Tuesday, November 28, 2017

in which the Crazy 8 decided they needed more excitement...

I don't know how it happened, but at some point I guess my family felt like I barely had enough on my plate to keep me occupied.

So. A brilliant idea was born.

PUPPIES!!!!  $$$$   PUPPIES!!!! Let's raise a litter of puppies.

Since everyone knows that I love dogs * it seemed altogether natural that I should give the next few months of my life to caring for and worrying about our pregnant pooch and then to caring for her darling puppies.

The long awaited day finally arrived in which we knew  that Carli would soon give birth to her puppies.

Much to my horror, I realized I was going to be alone with a laboring dog and two little girls for the day.

Much to my horror, the labor didn't go as friends and google said it should.

Thankfully,  I was not left alone with a laboring dog with complications and my two little girls for the entire day.

After texts and phone calls and googling and more texts and more phone calls my husband decided to come home and assess the situation.

Being smart and calculated and much more experienced with such situations, he decided to haul her off to the vet.

The story ended well when we got a phone call from the vet telling us that 4 healthy pups had arrived via c-section.

This was one excited house full of people when I walked in the door with Carli and her puppies.

The puppies are almost a week old now and we're having a great time with them. It's amazing to watch Carli be a momma to these wee ones. She's doing a great job!

I must give due credit to my son, Nicholas. He really is primary caregiver of our dog and he is also taking great responsibility for the puppies.  I still am the primary worrier and photographer.

Just to answer the questions that are sure to come:

No. We are not planning to keep the puppies.

Yes. We are planning to sell them. That was the whole idea in the first place.

Yes. We are hoping to make a good profit off of them.

It makes me feel happy when friends show interest in our puppies.

But I cringe because I know that they will cringe at the price.

So. I  just warned you.

Having said all that, I am absolutely sure these puppies will make perfectly adorable and smart and sweet little house dogs.

The pictures of my children's delighted faces are just for any of you who possibly need a little nudge to take the plunge and get your child a puppy.

One last closing statement: If I am able to tolerate and be so fond of our house dog, probably just about anyone can do it.

But I do plan to keep myself occupied in a way that my family realizes I'm quite happy and fulfilled without the added stress and joy of puppies.


*just for the benefit of those who do not know me well, I have never been known to be an animal lover. Getting a family dog was a huge hurtle for me. Now though, miracle of all miracles, I love our dog and she's just one of the gang. 


  1. That picture of Carli makes me laugh a little. She does look proud and motherly. And, to see your children smiling and holding the puppies seems to make all the hassle worth it. - Carla

  2. Your children are adorable! And the puppies are pretty cute too :)
