Friday, October 6, 2017

embracing servant-hood

Do you ever get sick and tired of this sight??

I mean. REALLY,  R.E.A.L.L.Y. tired of it.

I do.

Those tasks that have to be repeated every day are the ones that get me the most.

No matter what strategy I use, I never gain the upper hand on them. 

The dirty laundry piles up again before I ever get the clean clothes back into the drawers.

Before I put the last dish in the cupboard, there's already a little army of  drinking glasses gathering on the counter top.

Even in the middle of mopping the floor,  I've turned around only to discover more muddy tracks.

Really!!?! You're hungry again!!?! You've got to be kidding me. I just fed you several hours ago.

More grass stains??!! I just scrubbed your pants yesterday!!!

Clean windows? I try. 

So much of what I do seems so small and insignificant and mindless.

To add insult to injury, I have been repeating these sames tasks DAILY for the last 14 years and it doesn't look like my job description will be changing in the foreseeable future.

Wasn't I created for more than this!!??!

Would anyone even notice if I shirked? 

I am tempted to call off sick. 

Or pretend I can't see what needs to be done.

Praise the Lord if you do not struggle with growing weary in the mundane tasks of life. 

I admire you.

You are miles a head of people like me who sit around trying to come up with  new strategies every few weeks for coping with the gritty demands of life.

Speaking of strategies, I really have tried to approach my responsibilities from all different angles and perspectives in order to bring more purpose and joy to my every day life.

Some angles haven't helped much. 

There is one perspective that has made all the difference.

At the end of the day, the only place where I find true sustaining power to get up and prepare another meal or wipe another rump or fold another load of laundry is in the fact that I am called to be a servant.

Being called to be a servant is not a less than job. Neither is it glamorous. 

He calls each of his children to follow his example. In fact, He tells us to imitate him.

I  rejoice in the fact that the realities of my life grant me ample opportunity to grow in servant-hood on a daily basis. 

I am given opportunity upon opportunity to embrace servant-hood.

No job is too small or insignificant when it is done out of love for Jesus and for other people.

Embracing servant-hood as a Follower of Jesus is the way to find joy in the mundane.

Do I perfectly keep this perspective? 

Absolutely not.

But my heart's desire is to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord.  Every day, by His grace and power, I want to choose servant-hood.

Lord, Make me a servant, Lord make me like you.
For you are a servant, make me one too.

Lord, make me a servant, do what you must do.
To make me a servant; make me like YOU!!!