
Thursday, September 22, 2016


Life is pretty much one great big party for our family from the beginning of August to mid September.

Every year.

We begin with Cassie's birthday.

She was super opinionated about her cake this year. We finally agreed on this castle cake.  Although, if you know Cassie in real life you would know that she does NOT fit the princess mold.

Oh well. Whatever.

We flow with it.

Cassie had  two of her best friends over to celebrate with her. Unfortunately I cannot post any photos of their cuteness because of legal stipulations.

 Cassie enjoyed helping throw the confetti on her cake. I was beyond excited to hand the icing bag over to Miss Capable.

Mid month we celebrated our 13th anniversary. We shared a quiet dinner together, which is a rare treat at this stage of our lives. We know by now that it is not wise to try any sort of get a way with a baby in the house. That will have to wait for another year.

End of August is my birthday. Some years my birthday is but a small blip that passes by nearly unnoticed. Other years it's a bigger deal. This year was a big deal year as we celebrated with my twin brother and his family.  My husband and SIL are super at pulling together fun birthday surprises for us.  We spent the weekend together doing fun things like boating, swimming, fishing, eating and talking.

School year 2016-17 kicked off the same weekend as my birthday. 

The excitement was high in our house. Not only were the oldest 3 excited about getting back to school, but this year we sent off a brand new Scholar.

Faith Builders Christian School never fails to pull off an astounding back to school celebration. The spirit of the day made me want to be a school kid again!

Before I could turn around and touch the ground it was time to flip the calendar page to September and that means it is time to celebrate Christopher's birthday.

 6 years old is a pretty special age.

Christopher was really anticipating his birthday this year since 6 years old is a party year at this house. He invited 5 of his buddies over for the evening and night. Wow.  For some strange reason we were all tired the next day.

The only criteria Christopher had when choosing his cake was that it included a heap of candy.  He was beyond thrilled with his treasure chest cake even though he has no special interest in treasure chests. :)  I was happy to send the birthday guests home with brown paper bags of candy.

I thought the coolest part of his cake was the lid of the treasure chest, which really was just  a piece of cardboard covered in dark brown paper to match the chocolate icing on the rest of the cake.  But the coolest-est part was his name written in cursive with licorice. Thank you, hot glue gun. You're still my hero.

Christopher with his much hoped for fishing rod.

Last, but not least by any measure, Angeline celebrated her 12th birthday on September 17.

I absolutely LOVE that she is now thrilled with a beautiful dessert rather than a sticky, icky decorated cake. 

Angeline invited her BFF over for a sleep over.  

I can't say how much I love celebrating with my 12 year old daughter. I mean, really. I was having the time of my life hanging out with these girls.

We went to Campbell's pottery to watch a glass bead demo and browse the pottery store/gift shop. Basking in all that beauty was refreshment for my soul.

After dinner we headed downtown and did a quick photo shoot, mind you, in the rain.

I couldn't get over how much these two girls are miniature ladies. 

Now I realize why I am breathing a sigh of relief today.

That was just a lot of partying for this 35 year old mama.

There was also a lot of this happening between the parties:

Autumn, I couldn't be happier to welcome you.


  1. Thoughts:

    1. You take the best pictures...
    2. You make delectable cakes.
    3. I would give so much for another girls' party with those little besties.

  2. Faith Builders... Campbell's Pottery... I loved at Cambridge Springs for 4 yrs before I was married. Beautiful cakes, your daughter's desert one makes me wish for a piece!! Discovered your blog through Home Joys blog
