
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

little joy girl is 5 months old

It seems about time I show my face on this blog and give a small update concerning my going on and showing off and so on and so forth.

Amazingly, 5 shorts months have passed since I showed my face on planet earth.  I am beginning to like it here more and more all the time. In fact, Mom says that I’ve had somewhat of a personality change in the last 2 months. I’m not the cranky little screamer that I used to me. See. I do a lot of this for a lot of people now.

Ok. Ok. I still have my moments. For example, I just don’t get into the idea of sleeping for a full 8 hours during the night. I think I’ve succeeded at training my mom in her night time zombiehood.  If I grunt and whine around at just the right volume at the right time, she’s sure to  pull me into her bed right next to her and give me a few swigs of milk. In a few minutes we're both fast asleep. I don’t mean to be tattling, but I think she sometimes is back in la-la land even before me.  It doesn’t bother me, since that means more time in her warm comfy bed.  I try to keep my disturbances to a minimum. I figure I can make it through the night with at least one or two bonding times with mom. I mean, my hard working mom deserves a bit of sleep some time.
I know how to do this cool arch move with my back. It gets me out of lots of tight spots, even my mom's grip sometimes. 
I think my walker is the coolest piece of baby gear ever. I get to move around and keep an eye on what’s happening around me. Being mobile makes me happy.
Speaking of being mobile, it’s no longer safe to lay me on the floor and expect me to stay put. Either I will roll or scoot my way all over the room. My family is amazed at some of my antics.
And yes, I will put anything in my mouth. Anything.
I love trying to grab my mom’s spoon while she is eating, or even better yet, her entire plate. Wheee….

I’ve been trying a few morsels of food here and there. I think applesauce is rather tasty. Baby cereal, well. It’s a tad bit bland, but I can handle a small amount here and there. I think it will be cool when mom starts feeding me more while I’m sitting in my high chair because I’ll get to eat and keep an eye on my family at the same time.

Dad says I’m his little charmer. I know just how to smile and then quickly turn away, all shy-like and burrow my head in Mom’s shoulder.  Of course, it’s all a big put on just to get his attention.

Most people say I look like my brother Nicholas. Mom and Dad can't decide which of my siblings I look the most like. Mom says that I'm like a melting pot of all the cuteness that has gone before me.

I recently decided that I enjoy grocery shopping with mom after all. That is, if she doesn't force me to recline in my car seat and play with silly baby toys. I'll be content for 2 hours as long as she is willing me wear me forward facing in my baby carrier.

 Oh. One other important statistic:
Mom just weighed me and I'm almost 15 lbs. Mom says I seem like a little peanut after having cared for my big brother Christopher. He was almost 18 lbs. at 4 months.

So. That's pretty much what is going on with me. I think 5 months is a rather grand age. I might just sit on it for a while.


  1. Nice update on the little munchkin!! I like all her different expressions. So glad to hear she's more jolly these days than she used to be. That means a million bucks to a parent! =)

  2. Wow. She is a DARLING--in real life, even more so--and it is a delight to see her becoming so happy and content.

  3. I love this cherub! No wonder she feels light...Leo has her beat by five pounds! :)
