
Friday, January 17, 2014


Confession: This winter I'm not really into planning fun activities for my kids.

 I have done better at coming up with creative activities other years, I think.... I mean, I hope.

This year I feel extra tired and weary. (I'll tell you more about that some other time)

While their awesome dad is out ice skating and sledding with them, I am teaching them a totally new game. It's been a steep learning curve for entirely new idea.

The name of the game is 'Hibernation'.

I'm not sure if I've actually taught my kids anything about hibernation or if they've just heard me talking so much about wishing to hibernate that they think it's a cool idea now or what.

They've caught on to the basic idea of the game. They know that it includes being quiet and still for an entire season. They know it takes preparation to go into hibernation....gathering of food and blankets and packing on some fat.

 The only issue I have with the game is that their seasons are too short.

'It's spring now!!!!'

And out they come....hopping....bopping....bouncing.....pouncing.....

1 comment:

  1. Love it Shaunda! Vince does something called "Dead Worms" (sound much more morbid, I know) with Logan. He invented it one night when L was particularly rambunctious and it was an instant hit. It's been a great way to get him to calm down a bit at times. Basically you just drop to the floor and see who can be still the wonders at quieting the commotion. :)
