
Friday, January 24, 2014

Listening for Truth

The breath of the Accuser hangs heavy in the air. Stinky. Suffocating. Burning my eyes.
Destruction- that’s what he is all about.
I hate him.

Jesus, Jesus-
I cry out to you.
I must hear your voice.
Open my ears to hear you.
Fill my heart and mind with your truth.
Your truth is not always sugar-coated and it does not always stroke my ego. But. Your truth, it builds me up. Sometimes the building is hard, but you always build. And you never destroy.

I believe the Accuser’s number one tactic with me is that of simple confusion. He knows that if he gets my mind muddled enough I won’t know who is saying what.

This morning I made 2 lists because I was feeling that overwhelming mental and spiritual fog. I had to sort things out. False accusations had to be put in their rightful place. I needed to stand on the truth. This is what I was hearing:


-you’re invaluable
-you have nothing to offer the world
-all your work-effort-labor….it’s all been in vain. You might as well have been out milking ducks for the last decade.
-everyone is sneering at your efforts
- Person X, Y, or Z are much more capable than you
-you might as well just give up

Jesus-The truth speaker:

-I’ve blessed you with the gift of servant hood. It won’t always feel fulfilling to your flesh, but it matters in my Kingdom
-You may always be my ‘Secret Agent of Grace’, always working as an undercover cop in my Kingdom, never gaining public honor.
-the unseen matters to me
-don’t play the comparison game. I have a unique and special purpose for you.
-no act of service inspired by your love for me is insignificant
-I need you.


I’m tuning into to this Truth Speaker today.
What’s He saying to you today?
Do you hear him?
Give the Accuser the boot that he deserves.