
Friday, January 3, 2014

of floral couches and such

Some of you already know about the attatchment issues I have with my floral couch of ten years and five months. My affection for this piece of furniture waxes and wanes on a daily basis.

My beloved couch was delivered to our tiny trailer, straight from the department store, along with 2 matching throw pillows. It was one of the few items that we purchased brand new when we set up our home. I loved it.

10 years passed by quickly.

Styles changed even more quickly.

There was no such thing as pinterest in those days.

5 children were born.

The couch was sat on, spit upon and jumped on.

One day 2 boys cut a gaping hole in the back of it.

The couch hosted many a guest.

Coffee was spilled on it.

Deep sleep and conversations found much comfort in the old couch.

The pillows became squashed.

I almost ate the pillows one day, nearly mistaking them for beautiful pancakes.

The couch has granted my sarcastic self many a pleasure. After all, it's better to use sarcasm on an object than a person.

10 years and 5 months plus a handful of days later I sat gazing at the couch, brainstorming...

Pinterest is great for brainstorming.

Aha........I know. PILLOWS. New pillows.

That would help matters.

the couch with its orginal throw pillow. I know, I know, trying to spot the pillow on the couch is about like playing 'where's waldo'

And sure enough.

24 hours later  my  main thought was: Why did I wait to so long?????

And my second thought was: "I think I can put up with this couch for a few years yet."

And my third thought was: "I better keep making more pillow covers to replace these because I don't think ruffles and flowers are going to survive very long in this rough house"

And ever since then, I've been thinking about making more pillow covers. The rush will soon pass, as all things usually go with me. But in the meantime, I'll see how many pillow covers I can whip through the sewing machine.


Two questions:

What would you do with a floral couch like this one?

How helpful do you find pinterest to be in your everyday life?


  1. Love, love that ruffle pillow!! I look longingly at white/light couches and think "That wouldn't last a week in our house". :) Would slip covers work on your couch? I haven't tried them and have visions of the whole thing being pulled out of all the corners and slits that they're to be stufffed in. I love Pinterest! I do use it for girls' dress ideas and for recipes.

  2. From what I can see of your couch it looks like the kind that a slip cover would work good with. You can even make one if you're still feeling crafty! :) Love the new pillows you made.

  3. Love the pillows!!! My fabric on my floral couch is showing holes. I keep thinking about purchasing a slip cover but how will i know if it fits. Cathy Miller

  4. I love couches but I hate cushions...slip covers work good for a bit when brand new and then they slip all over the place....pun intended. I spend time fixing them only to have someone sit on it and mess it all up again...if only couches would stay new and the cushions would stay in place...I know, I know ...fantasy. And the darker the better at my house...white would be dirty in no time and I don't have littles anymore. :P

  5. Wow. I hardly recognized Waldo at all!
    I *adore* the pillows.
    Is it obvious from this comment that I am not in church? Oops.

  6. finally, i get around to commenting. your pillows are beautiful! it makes me feel very happy inside to see pictures of your creative projects. i find pinterest to be quite helpful in my daily life....oh, weren't you asking me?? maybe you already knew that i like pinterest?? i think it's pretty fun that you're on pinterest now!

  7. I had the exact same couch for 16 years. Love this couch and wish I could find another. My daughter has it
