
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Winter Magic

It only takes one entire roll of  masking tape to transform a boring living room floor into an expansive network of roads.
{You know that you are viewing authentic pictures from our home when you spy the floral couch in the background.}

We had fun building Lego road signs and buildings. I failed to get a photo of our town at its height of prosperity.

So, this is what we do when there is no snow to go out and romp in and when the mud is dangerously deep and it's been raining cats and dogs for 2 days straight and the sky is gray and the boys are bored and and and....

If you're disappointed to find that this post about winter magic does not include any beautifully sparkling snow, please be comforted in the knowledge that I share the same sentiment.


  1. LOVE this idea! and i find comfort in the fact that you have a floral couch. :)
