
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Winter Saturday Fun

Are you and your kids getting cabin fever?? Here's some pizazz to add to your Saturday morning pancakes. It will take extra time for mom and add unnecessary calories to your kid's meal. You may not want to do this every Saturday, but it will brighten an otherwise dreary day for the kids.

Snowmen Pancakes

Dust with powdered sugar to look like snow. Another option is to use cool whip instead of the 10x sugar. Unfortunately, I didn't have any on hand.

Decorate with whatever candy you have in your pantry. At any point Dad and Mom are free to opt out of the toppings. You know...set a good example for your kids to follow as they get older. :)  A healthier alternative would be to use dried fruit. Again, I didn't have any dried fruit on hand.

Now, continue to load on the calories.

Christopher says that the outstanding taste was worth every last calorie! :)

Happy Snowy Saturday!!!!!!!

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