
Friday, February 1, 2013

It happened

That magical snow that I was wishing for several days visited us again, bringing with it an extra day of vacation from school for my two oldest children.

I was planning to do some cleaning and work on a few sewing projects today. However, things got rearranged quickly when the kids walked back in the door, not even one hour after their departure, with visions of craft projects, movies, stories, hot chocolate and lots of fun dancing around in their heads. It took me a while to get on board with all the exciting plans, but eventually I surrendered.

At lunch time we enjoyed a picnic on the living room floor. This was special for my two youngest since they rarely get a packed lunch.

It all went quite well until I had a melt down upon realizing that I failed to pack a lunch for my hungry self. Life isn't always fair, you know. I rummaged through the fridge and thankfully found some left over scrambled eggs to quiet my roaring appetite.

There were many squeals of delight when I pulled some old icing out of the fridge and smeared it on Ritz crackers. Icing crackers are the height of fine dining for these guys. (I prefer cheese with my crackers, thank you very much)

All went fine until...
ooops, mom.........

At one point during the course of the meal I began making up a really silly story which sent me into total hysterics. I think the kids were laughing more at me than at my story, which is slightly embarrassing. Their laughter turned to slight concern when they realized that their mom was not going to stop laughing anytime soon.  Thankfully my short explanation,' Sometimes when a PREGNANT woman starts laughing she just can't stop', took care of the question marks they were throwing at me. I need only to mention the word 'pregnant' and they are instantly overcome with a silent kind of awesome reverence. It's proving to be a handy word for me these days.

This was the icing on my cracker as well as my favorite quote of the day: 
"This is WAY more fun than being at school all day!!!"
(and you must understand that my kids really like school!)

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