
Friday, May 11, 2018

of small and cute cherries

 For those who do not follow me on Facebook, I thought you may enjoy this little update from yesterday. This may make more sense as to why I was hallucinating about a  sleepwalking pregnant polar bear a few weeks ago.

I have been calling Elliana "the cherry on top of our family" for the last 2 1/2 years. Come November she's going to need to move over a tad to make room for another "little cherry" to join her on the top. We're all excited, but I'm a little sad to lay down the CRAZY8 title for my family. Any name suggestions for a family of 9 ?? 🍒


  1. Seven (kids) from heaven...
    Shining nine-please not whining 9. ��
    Fine nine entwined (if your house is small.)
    Okay, so I don’t really have any good ideas.
    I do love reading your blog. Congratulations on a fuller fruit tree. ��

  2. How's the other little cherry coming along? Keep checking your blog hoping for an update...��
