
Thursday, April 19, 2018

The winter that refused to end

When I looked out the window this morning I just couldn't believe my eyes. I quickly grabbed my camera to capture the unusual sight. I was shaking so badly-either from the cold or from excitement or perhaps both-that capturing a sharp image was completely impossible.

But if you look closely, you might be able to make out a fuzzy figure....

It was a pregnant polar bear sleepwalking through a snow storm.

Have  you ever in your long life beheld such a sight?

Have you ever in your long life beheld such a long winter?

I have lived through hard winters, but I can't remember any of them lasting this long.*

I mean, today is April 19, 2018. We are headed into the last few days of April and still it continues to snow nearly everyday.

I keep trying to pack our winter gear away for the season only to be forced into pulling out the winter coats again and putting the gloves on {hopefully} just one more time.

Even my brain feels like winter has come to stay forever. In fact, the above image is just as likely to be my brain as a polar bear.

We're trying hard to be brave about the weather at this house, but honestly........this is how we feel when we wake up and see snow falling again.

*I'm reading "The Long Winter" from the Wilder Family series to my youngest daughters. I acknowledge that my perspective is limited and that my current long winter has been lived in comfort and luxury. I know nothing of true hardship in battling the elements.


  1. I know you are not the only one who feels that way.
    How did you get that first picture?

    1. Ha...I just really overexposed a photo of white hat I already had on my computer.
