
Friday, December 4, 2015

1 month

1 month old always feels like a mile marker , both for baby and me.

Elliana's first month of life has been sweet.  

She has broken me back into the world of interrupted sleep and messy diapers and nursing pads and the church nursery in such a gentle way. 

I'm incredibly grateful, especially as I reflect on my first tumultuous  months with Cassie.

Elliana is the kind of baby who makes me wish to freeze time. It would be blissful to have her park in this newborn-ness for a few more months.

She is the kind of infant that makes me think I could maybe keep having babies every 19 months for the next 10 years. {until I think of the raising and training into adulthood}

It was fun for me to look through her photos this morning and see how much she has grown and developed already in just one short month.

4 days old. Sleeping and sleeping and sleeping. I think the noise around this house exhausted her.

4 days old

I'm totally smitten with this precious girl

1 week

Smiling in her sleep at 1 week

first Sunday to church at 11 days

"Hello, big world!!!"

Secure in Daddy's arms

Squishy-squashy big sister love

more big sissy love'in

Big Brother is a good babysitter too!

gotta just love those little bubbles she's blowing

those first smiles are just to die for

Oh help!! My head is outgrowing my hair!!!

It's so much fun learning to know the alert Elliana and seeing a whole new personality emerging

"I'm flexing my lips because I'm just about to tell you the sweetest little secret ever"
Elliana is just starting to coo and she can make the most darling little noises you ever did hear. 


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