
Friday, November 6, 2015

Finally! Finally!!!!

After what seemed like a nearly eternal waiting period, I am delighted to announce the arrival of :

Elliana Claire
November 4, 2015 @ 2:36 am
{7 days past EDD}
7 lbs. 12 oz.

Our hearts and hands are full of all the sweetness of this brand new person.  I'll mostly just let the pictures speak for themselves. If you would like to meet Elliana or hear more details about her arrival, please drop by the house. :)

The midwives check out Elliana's vitals. We rejoice in the gift of a healthy, robust little girl!!

Cassie meets Elliana upon waking up in the morning. I can't wait to watch these little sisters interact in the coming years!

Big Brother-pleased as punch!

I still can't believe that all these monkeys call me "mom". On another note: It must be pretty amazing to kiss your pregnant mom good night and wake up in the morning to a pretty baby sister. :)

Grandma and Cassie get Elliana all ready for her first day's hard work being such a sweetie

Tired Daddy makes many important phone calls to the relatives.

Grandpa Lehman meets Elliana 

And Cassie somehow wiggles her way into nearly every picture, always touching her baby sister.

Last moments of adoration before heading out the door to school

"I just can't wake up"

It's absolutely amazing how quickly and easily one little person has become the center of the universe for our entire household. We can't get too much of this newborn sweetness.

And now I'm off to enjoy the quiet house and some newborn snuggles because I know just how fleeting these moments are...


  1. Congratulations!!!!! She is absolutely precious. Such lovely, seet photos! Enjoy every minute :)

  2. Oh my, she is PRECIOUS. Wow. I can hardly wait to get my hands on her!

  3. She is adorable. So glad she is finally here and everyone is ok. Beautiful family!

  4. I found myself wanting to hit like on nearly every picture. So sweet.

  5. This is so sweet it made me cry. So happy for you all. Can you believe, after years of mostly boys, that you have 3 of each now?!

  6. Ahhh...this make me so anxious for our own baby. She is just too much sweetness.

