
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Update on Christopher

It's high time for a little update here on Christopher because I dislike seeing the horrifying pictures of my son and because some of you have been asking about him.

Thanks for caring about him and us.

Jesus has ministered his love to us deeply in so many ways and through so many people in the last 3 weeks.

I was stunned by how quickly so many people all over the world heard about Christopher and how many people were interceding for him. I can't tell you how many times I heard the phrase, "we are praying for your son".

There is NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING!!!! that compares with the love of Jesus that is expressed and shared and received among believers. It is the very love of the Father being manifest through his children.

We drank deeply of this love.

And now the promised report about Christopher.

They say a picture is worth a million words.

Christopher at my brother's wedding 2 weeks (minus one day) after his accident. I feel like I am looking at a miracle when I look at my son. Active. Bouncing. And back to his ornery old self.
Christopher has an appointment scheduled this coming Wednesday to see his doctors at Pittsburgh Children's Hospital.  We have no reason to expect anything but a positive report.  However, we are anxious to hopefully get permission for him to resume all boyish activities. It's been a constant battle to keep him from romping with his brothers.

Christopher's story has been a fun one to tell because it is full of restoration, health and the mighty hand of God.

We have seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

We will not forget all that He has done!!!

We have had many reasons to rejoice in the past 3 weeks in addition to the health of our son.

 The birth of a beautiful and perfect baby girl  to our dear friends, Geryll and Carla

The beautiful marriage of Mr. & Mrs. Kyle A. Lehman

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