
Friday, February 20, 2015

winter cooking slump

This is the time of year I go into semi-hibernation.

I wish that I was a bear.  Truly.

I would love to hibernate for at least 48 hours.

No cleaning, no cooking, no talking, no cooking.

Did I mention, no cooking?!?

Last February I hosted a casserole exchange with some friends in an attempt to get out of my cooking slump. It turned out to be great fun and I actually have another one in the works right now.

I'm not exactly sure why I despise cooking so much this time of the year.

I suspect that it has something to do with lower energy levels but maybe even more valid is the fact that my creativity is off  frolicking in a far away place like Timbuktu.

Truth is, I don't really just love following recipes.

I come alive when I am making my own modifications to a recipe or stirring together a few of my favorite ingredients to make something tasty.

Recently I tried two new dishes that my family has really enjoyed and since my creativity is off on an extended vacation, I just keep repeating the same dishes over and over again.

We all really love haystacks around this house. My children perform a happy dance when I tell them that haystacks are on the menu.

I was getting sick though of all the tiny side dishes and the mess following the meal.

I decided to try to streamline the haystack idea by baking a few of the ingredients together and serving it as a casserole.

I layered ( 2X):


Taco meat



Topped it off with Nachos.  Heated in the oven until bubbly.

Served with just 3 sides and our all time favorite salad dressing.

My family enjoys this just as much as haystacks and it is much easier to serve and clean up than traditional haystacks

My second creation is not original with me.  The idea comes from the mother of a life long friend. Vivian is an amazing cook so I had no doubts about trying one of her recipes.

Introducing: Hamburger Pizza.


pizza crust

ketchup & mustard (used in place of pizza sauce)

fried hamburger




Any additional toppings of your choice


Serve with fresh lettuce and tomatoes

Again, this was a hit with my family. It really doesn't taste much like traditional pizza at all, but more like a mouthful of summer!!!!

Speaking of which,  I'm anxious for some summertime freshness again!!!

Do you have any tried and true dishes that get you and your family through the long winter months?

I would love to hear your ideas!!!

Because two dishes, both of which include hamburger, lettuce and tomato, are going to get old mighty fast around here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to try both of these recipe ideas! I'm with you in getting tired of the zillion separate dishes when serving haystacks. And can you believe I never thought of using Mexican Dressing on haystacks? Silly, I know, but true. Can't wait to try it!
