
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

winter boredom buster

 I usually like to cook.

This winter the idea of cooking doth greatly vex my soul.

First off, I don't know what to make.

Second, my pantry is not very well stocked, at least not with anything very interesting. 

Third, it's too cold to go grocery shopping

Fourth, I'm very lazy.

Fifth, I like to have good food to eat this time of the year.

I think my creative energy for food prep bought a one way ticket to Timbucktu.

I have had more conversations that I can count with other lady friends {during this long winter} who are also feeling burned out  or bummed out or something like that in the food department.

So. Since I like brainstorming better than working........

I got this crazy idea to do a casserole exchange in an attempt to combat my own lack of enthusiasm. Fortunate for me, I found a few comrades who jumped on the bandwagon with me.

This is what we ended up with and doesn't matter what angle I look at it, I like this stack of casseroles.

these chicas totally inspire me!!!

We each made 4 dishes of the same casserole and we went home each carrying 4 DIFFERENT casseroles. I was so excited  that I used my one casserole that very evening. And boy, was it ever tasty!!! Just knowing that I didn't prepare it myself made the taste factor soar off the charts.

I wouldn't really want to eat freezer meals all winter long, but this turned out to be a fun way to give all of us some variety in our menus in the coming week(s) with minimal effort.

I was tempted when planning this exchange to add quite a few more ladies, but I think it could have become quickly overwelming to have to prepare 10 casseroles.

An additional perk of the casserole exchange:
Getting together to drink coffee with friends and let the kids roar around the house while the weather roars outside is worth like.........a million bucks.



  1. Shaunda, you are so good at getting out of the rut by doing something social! I've heard of friends taking turns taking supper to each other. This sounds much easier and like more fun. I'm so uninspired I don't think I could think of one good freezer casserole right now :) Long live rice and beans and spaghetti and meatballs.

  2. Ha ha ha, Carla! It took me awhile to think of a casserole to make. Mine was anything but exotic -- lasagna! :)

    1. but it was stink'in good, Renee! I love lasagna!!

  3. I could have written the first eight sentences of this post, except I'm too brain dead to be that funny. But this is a great idea and I might have to organize an exchange like this soon.
