
Friday, February 14, 2014

A blast from the past

I'm not sure what I mean exactly by a blast

1. an enjoyably exciting experience, occasion, or event <I had a blast>


2. a violent gust of wind

or maybe a combination of both, which would be

blast from the past
:  a striking reminder of an earlier time :  something that excites nostalgia
Today I'm experiencing a blast from the past......
11 years (my, that's a big number!!) ago we made the pact to do this thing of living together forever and ever and for better or for worse. In other words, he proposed and the giddy girl beside him said 'yes'.
The past 11 years have rubbed us thin at some places and thicker at other places.
We're not on the honeymoon anymore. (hulllooooo......we've got 5 kids)
But our love has grown. It has matured. It has carried us through tough times. We've ridden the crests of joy and happiness together.
We're both better *rounded and grounded persons because of living and growing together.
It would be a lie to say that we're more infatuated than ever with each other. But infatuation doesn't hold a candle to the kind of love that bears each other up through sleepless nights and 5 pregnancies and house renovations and church ordinations.
Today as the past blasts in front of me,  the thought that keeps really making me smile is that he loved me first. I walked into his life viewing myself as a **single missionary on a 6 month furlough. Within days he was convinced that an ocean between us was no way to live. He loved me first. His love compelled me. I couldn't help myself. He won. But really, it was a serious score for me too.
*another area in which I scored good in this deal
** it's funny how much my definition of 'single' has changed over the years.

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