
Sunday, December 8, 2013


Almost as soon as I clicked the publish button for my last post, I knew that I was wasn't quite done.
I will never get everything clarified that there is to clarify.
I did not mean in any way to negate the importance or value of taking a more public role in the cause for life.  If Jesus is nudging you towards  more involvement, than by ALL means, you better be listening closely to him.
If he tells you to put that bumper sticker on your car, do it!
If he is asking you to attend that next prolife banquet, go!
If he is asking you to care for an orphan, go for it!
If he is asking you to volunteer at the local pregnancy center, do it!
Become informed. Be willing to speak. Be eager to serve. Affirm life.
My last post was written from the dungeon perspective. That dark place where nothing of importance ever seems to happen.  That place where I wonder if I am doing anything of eternal value. That place that is just so dark I can't really see very well. That place where Jesus lets nothing go to waste.  That place where Jesus is growing my roots.
I've tried to claw my way out of the dungeon  a few times.
He says, "It's not time yet. I have more to teach you. You need a stronger root system"
So. If you're in the dungeon with me, take heart.
 Affirm, accept and love life around you.
You are Pro-Life!
If  you're emerging from that dungeon....
Don't be too scared to blossom.
You have strong roots.
Affirm, accept and love life!
You are Pro-Life!!!

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