
Friday, December 6, 2013

I am Pro-Life

I am pro-life.

I've struggled with the idea of what it means for me to be prolife for a number of years. It's not that I struggle to affirm  prolife ideas. I am all over that page!!!

 But, I've struggled with how I fit into the pro-life picture. 

How can  I claim to be pro-life but be so very uninvolved in all the rallies and banquets?

I don't even have the space to volunteer at the Right to Life booth at our county fair.

The door to fostering and adoption has been closed for us, at least temporarily.

I do not volunteer at the pregnancy center that is not even a block from my house.

I'm not even involved in our church's ministry to city kids.

Hulllllo....How can I claim that I'm pro-life?

It's something that I care about so much that I want to be involved at every level and at every event where the words "pro life" are uttered.

I want to be an advocate for the unborn.

I want to put my arms around the pregnant teenager and enable her to make the choice for life.

I want to adopt all the unwanted and unloved kids in the world.

So, I have had to wrestle with all these desires to be involved in a wonderfully good cause. I've had to let Jesus reshape what it means for me to pro-life right now at this stage of life. I've had to go to the proverbial dungeon. I'm down digging around in the earth, getting tangled in all the roots.

This is what He has showed me:

ANYTIME I let the little ones come to me as Jesus did...............this is being pro-life!!!

EVERY little face that I look at represents a mother who made a decision for life,  perhaps at a very difficult time in her life. That life that she chose still needs care. That mother and that child still must know that the choice for life was a GOOD one. It was a choice that I support and I am still here to stand with both mother and child in that decision.....this is being pro-life!

Accepting the gifts of my own womb with delight and joy.....this is being pro-life!

Seeing all life as being valuable and precious.....this is being pro-life

Having 3 little ones crawling ALL.OVER. me even as I write this post.....this is being pro-life.

I believe in being pro-life at a grass roots level.

I scrub toilets.
I make 3 meals a day.
I say 'yes' to the neighbor kids.
I donate gently used items to the pregnancy center.
I babysit for my friends.
I bake cookies for the 80 kids that come to club.
I nurse a little girl 8+ times a day
I smile at the tired mom with toddlers bouncing in and out and around her cart at the grocery store.
And I say, with full assurance:


And I want to say to you, Dear Reader-
Please do not make excuses for not being pro-life. Do not justify saying 'no' to the opportunites that Jesus brings your way to give to the cause for life.  But also, remember, you're very likely more involved in the pro-life cause than what you realize. Embrace life today!


  1. Love this post. We're pro-life at grass roots level around here too. Lots of life!

  2. Great post!!
    And I have to ask...who's the lady on the third to bottom pic? Is it Patty??
