
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Midnight Music


[myoo-zik] noun
an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.

It's the middle of the night.

Tired doesn't even do justice to the state of my physical and mental state of being. 

 But I hear something....soft, beautiful, harmonious.

It's growing louder and more beautiful as my mind begins to slowly focus.

It's music.

Beautiful, soothing music:

-the heavy, rythmic breathing of a good, hard-working man, tired from a long day of work. The breathing of a man who carries a boatload of responsibility on his shoulders. It's so steady. clear. sturdy. robust. strong.

-I must listen carefully, but...yes! I can hear it! Those quick, light puffs of air coming from my 3 month old daughter's body. The breathing is delicate and beautiful, just like my daughter.

-rising from the floor, just beside the bed, I hear the middle son breathing. His breath catches and he quivers a little as he recovers from his night time fear. He feels safe and secure being so close to his parents. He can breath easy again.

Yes. It is music.

Music that I love.

It's the music of life.

*thinking of my SIL, Katie Beiler and of Louisa Schmucker who have both recently lost the gift of  midnight music in their lives.


  1. This is making me cry. Thanks for the perspective, lovely lady.

  2. This is an absolutely beautiful post!! Thank you~

  3. Counting my blessings too as I hear of too many young wives that have lost their beloved husbands.
    Love the way you put it into words.

  4. Hi Shaunda,
    Maria sent me this link soon after Sheldon died. I'm always glad when my story makes people realize the value of their gifts. I still miss that music, but thank God it does get better eventually.
    Love, Louisa
