
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Freely Give

I need this reminder. Freely Give. In whatever I'm facing, in whatever I'm doing....

Freely Give....

-thanks for all things

-of my time

-my resources

-words of blessing

-my love

The only response from one who has been given so much and given it so freely should be to give all things back freely.

I say, it SHOULD be the response.

Unfortunately, it is NOT the natural response of a fallen human being.

My selfishness is astoundingly gross at times.

My capacity to absorb all that is freely given and to even want more (gag here _ _ _ _ _ ) is revolting.

I am so quick to forget all that I have been given.

Open my eyes and my heart to really see all that you have given to me so freely today. Create in me a heart that responds to you by freely giving all that I am and have back to you.

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