
Monday, May 20, 2013

The Reason

Here's the reason that I need the next 75 days

We're moving!!! We've talked and prayed about moving for the last year or two. We've looked at different properties around town and even nosed into a few country options. I've poured over real estate magazines and Amos has attended lots of auctions. Nothing seemed to be opening up in our price range that fit our wishes and needs. Besides, we really like it here in our neighborhood and the thought of leaving doesn't excite us.

It's been really neat to look back over the past few years and months and see how God has been orchestrating so many details for us. He is amazing.

The same weekend as our ordination, our elderly neighbor lady's son stopped by and told us that the family had decided that it was time for his mom to make a move to an assisted living facility. Before they put the house on the market he wanted to give us first chance at it. We had been very involved in caring for his mom in the past 9 years and had mentioned to the family that if they ever decide to sell the house, we would possibly have interest in buying it.

This house is just across the street from where we currently live. The main drawing factor for us is the big, beautiful back yard. Not to mention, no adjustments to a new neighborhood.

Taken from the back of the house, looking into the back yard. The white post on the far left marks the property line. The hedge marks our property line on the opposite side. The woods border the backside of our lot.  It's a narrow but deep lot. .


Taken from the back yard, looking towards the house.

 This property is really rather unique for a city lot, making it a perfect fit for us. It seems almost too good to be true. We love living in town but as the family grows we've been dreaming of more space for play and work.

What fun.....trees to climb!!!!

I can't say how much I love to see these guys climbing in a tree, especially considering the fact that there is no such thing as a tree to climb in our current yard.

Christopher named this limb "Jordan". It's his imaginary horse.

The one side of this property is bordered by a city park, which is a wooded nature area with a ravine, small stream and trails.  As our children get older it will be almost like an extended playground for them. Of course there is always caution that needs to be exercised in public areas that are secluded.

The house itself  really isn't much of an upgrade for us. It's very comparable to what we're living in now as far as size goes. We feel like there are some good options for adding living space in the future as it is needed.

So. A new house is exciting. But it means lots of work. We are planning to repaint the entire house and either put in new flooring or refinish the existing hardwood. 

Currently were in the shopping and making decisions stage.

In the next week or two comes the hard labor.

Meanwhile, I have a houseful of possessions to deal or throw or sell???!!!???

And we need to get this house in good shape for the buyers. Yup, it's already sold. God is amazing. And we're going to be getting some really amazing new neighbors!!!!

Oh. And meanwhile, we have two lawns to keep looking good.

And we're the family that can hardly find an evening to spend at home to do lawn care.

And did I mention.............that I'm pregnant and ummmm. Slow and bulky and too often grouchy.....

 It really is a fortunate thing that I still have 75 days.


  1. That backyard does look lovely. We have no trees on our small lot, and sometimes I really wish for trees. Hope it all goes well for you and doesn't put you into early labor!

  2. Oh Shaunda, this place is lovely. We are like you all and love city living but as Logan is getting older we long for a bigger yard and place for him to be a boy. You give me hope that when it is time, God will take care of our needs.

    Blessings as you try to juggle everything. I don't envy that part at all! Hope you get lots of help and the work gets done fast!

    1. Lydia-
      Yes! Yes! Yes!!! God will provide a way for you, too---in this own perfect way and time. It's hard for me to believe I'm saying this because for the longest time I've felt like our desire to live here in the city with our family was something that we were going to have to give up. I feel like He has given us the gift of the best of the two worlds....a little bit of country right here in town. I feel more strongly than ever, that God will make a way to fulfill his purposes for us. Blessings and grace to you for the journey!

  3. Mary's house! How perfect for you guys! And I got shivers, thinking that THIS is how community looks.

  4. Yee-haw! What a lovely yard. If I come over on Wed can I get a tour?? :)

  5. Hey you! I told SO. Yes? :) Let's see, if I dig deep into my resume I think that I know how to care for children to some degree...and with helping my Dad refinish three separate houses in my lifetime...I think I have painted thousands of square feet (one house alone was around 4,000 square feet :)...and yeah, I love helping people pack and do yard sales or I could just come and do your laundry for you...

    At any rate, I'm available.
    I'll be waiting for my phone to ring... ;)

    We're so happy for you guys! (And while we're happy for that other couple who got blessed with your home, we're um...a wee little bit jealous?!!)

    1. You're phone will start ringing when you return from your trip. :) :) And do you know just how much we would have loved to sell our home to you all!!!???!!! (I still would like to watch you and dear D. interact)

  6. CHRISTOPHER ON THAT TREE LIMB! Oh, what a precious picture! God is so good. I praise Him for making your house situation beautiful in His time and continuing to do so as you go through the hard days of work ahead.
