
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Petersheims

It was fun to spend some time with Reuben and Patty and their family last weekend. Patty ask me to do some shooting for her while we did a some sight seeing and picnicking together. She wanted mostly candid shots of her and her kids. What fun. We started out with a few whole family shots on top of Federal Hill. What a beautiful place to view the city and harbor. What a windy place. It was, in fact, too windy and therefore a little too cool to get any great shots this time of year. All of Patty's careful color coordinating was for naught when Reuben forgot to take off his coat for the pictures and Ben refused to take his hood down. I think they're still a right good looking bunch despite the whipping wind and jackets.

My favorite photo shoots, without fail, must include baby & mommy shots

I love all the joy captured
on this one!

Our delightful photo shoot was cut short by one of the Littles who suddenly needed "to go". No public rest rooms within sight or walking distance..........
Sometimes you just do what you gotta do. This time it meant leaving the park and going back to their school for a potty break. We enjoyed our picnic supper in the school play ground, which was just fine and dandy...but not such a hot spot for taking pictures. 

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