
Friday, April 26, 2013

Baby Arizona

Yesterday I got to meet and interact with littlest, cutest person ever. Meet baby Arizona.

Arizona is 7 weeks old and "finally reached 5 lbs" so her mama says. She was a preemie. I felt like I was handling a doll baby. So fragile. So delicate. So miniature. So perfect. So very pretty.

Arizona is the daughter of a cousin of my friend Sonya. (hey, did you follow that??!) Sonya asked me to do a joint photo shoot session with her. My friendship with Sonya goes way back to my high school days. We attended a small high school together for 3 years. After high school she ended up moving in with my family for a while. We shared a bedroom and lots of dreams together. We both fell in love (with different men, of course!) about the same time, got married within months of each other and had our first babies within months of each other as well. Her husband whisked her off to the state of New York and eventually on to Maine. We do not see each other very often these days. However, she is visiting her old hometown this week which also happens to be my current hometown. Hence, the miracle of us doing a photo shoot together.

I was disappointed that the morning was too cold to work with the natural light that I love to use for infant photo shoots on my front porch. We were forced indoors where we had to work with limited sun light coming in through the windows and pathetic flashes. Oh, well.

The most interesting aspect about the co-shooting was the totally different styles that became evident. Sonya and I have always been two very uniquely different individuals. Working together in this way highlighted our differences again.

 I'm traditional. I care about a good sharp image. I stay very basic with backgrounds. I primarily use either a black or white back drop. I close up shots that capture the unique features and expressions of the subject. My pictures lack smack. :)

Sonya is creative. Her mind works overtime, I'm pretty sure. :) She walked in my door with a bag full of cute props and zany sheets. She was immediately scanning my house for other things to use for props. Her photos are popping with color and personality.

Any guesses on which of us took the first photo in this post?

Here's some samples of our work.

Handiwork of Sonya:

And now, here's my perspective of this little cutie pie:

This Little Lady gave me some serious baby fever.

14 more weeks!!!!


  1. I was hoping for a pic of Sonya herself. ;) Hard to believe its been almost 15 yrs since last saw her!
    Baby A is darling. My favorite is the one of her a daddy.

  2. Oops typo their ^^ That was supposed to say "her and daddy".

  3. SHE IS SO CUTE!That first picture is breathtaking!
