
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Hunting Camp

These days it feels like our home has morphed into some sort of a hunting camp.

There are just 5 hunters in this household and about 2 more wanna-be's.

Speaking of wann-a-be's....the littlest brother is completely overcome with talk of hunting and of deer. He carries his miniature buck with him everywhere these days and often fall asleep with it cradled in his hands.

First there were 7 weeks of archery season.

Now it is rifle.

I think we just have one more week to go.

There are still a number of tags that could be filled. 

I am already wonding about freezer space if too many more deer are harvested.

I am getting more comfortable with running a hunting camp every day. 

I think my Grandma would be proud of me.  She ran a stellar camp in her day. 

My own mother coordinates an impressive camp these days. She hosts hunters from hours away for days on end. She has coffee and all kinds of tasty morsels ready on demand.

Now to be sure, I have not attained the level of competency, ease or selflessness of my kindred women folk, but I'm working on it.

It helps me to keep things simple and straight forward when I think about my job during this season. I can't be all things to all people, but there are a few things I can do to keep my campers happy.

1. Rustle up lots of grub. 
Fresh baked cookies and coffee may gain a few brownie points, but basically anything hot and filling will do the trick. Always be busy stirring something up when they come in the door, even if it's just left overs or microwave popcorn.

2. Act like you understand their hunting jargon even when you don't. Join in the talk. It will make them laugh if nothing else.
"Of course you shouldn't over-hunt our 14 acres of woods. I simply can't think of a worse crime to            commit!!!"

"Yeah, I agree. The barometric pressure today is just horrible for hunting!"

3. Never speak a discouraging word concerning the competency of the hunters in your camp. 

By nature, hunters are fairly hearty folk.  However, they can become rather fragile when reminded of their weaknesses too often, especially when the reminders come the women folk who choose to spend their days in comfort by the hearth.

4. Celebrate their victories.

Yup. Celebrate. Hoop and holler and dance around when they are successful. Brag about their good shot to other hunters who may happen to enter your camp. Make your hunters feel like they're the best hunters in the world. 

Admittedly, I am getting a little tired of this hunting business.

I am sick and tired of all the camouflage and orange accents around my home. 

I am ready for a  Saturday to go shopping.

But. I am looking forward to that delicious deer bologna.

There's an excitment and comaraderie about these days that I am going to miss when they're gone.

To be sure, I am THRILLED that my boys and my girl like to spend time in the woods. I am thankful that my husband spends hours along side them in the woods. I am grateful for the meat that they harvest.  I am proud as peaches of them and I will keep running this camp as long as they want me to. I hope that our home will be Hunting Camp Central for these Stoltzfus hunters for a very long time.

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