
Friday, February 15, 2019


Meanwhile, my life really hasn't been as quiet as this blog page.

Isaiah John came bounding into our lives one early morning in November with all 9 lbs 14 oz of himself.

We're all so thrilled to have this sweet little guy in our home.

All of life outside our home pretty much came to a halt and all our energy revolved around Isaiah for a few weeks.

While the rest of the family has resumed a fair level of normalcy, my life still revolves around Isaiah. I wouldn't want it any other way.

I already feel nostalgic looking back at these pictures.

Isaiah's trade marks are his funky stick up hair and his squishy 

He's a chill little guy and has been sleeping like a champ since his first days earth side.

Isaiah loves to interact with his family. It's easy to distract him from his momentary pains by engaging him in a happy conversation.

I call him my "Monster Baby" because he is just so big. I mean, really big. He outgrows clothes from the time they go in the dirty laundry basket until they get back into his drawers. (which by the way is usually a matter of a day or two)

In fact,  he is outgrowing everything except his blankets these days.

I blinked and he went from this just a few days ago

                                                                             to this today.

Happy 3 months, Big Boy.

You are our JOY BOY.


  1. Seeing progressive photos like that does give perspective. It's sobering how fast they grow the first year. Jolynn

  2. I heard about your little [sorry, big] fellow from Kyle and Joy. Kept watching for an update on your lives. He has a head start on my granddaughter. Kyle and Stephanie welcomed Leah into their home on Nov.14. She weighed 6 lbs. 8 ozs. and is growing up too fast.

    1. Oh wow. Isaiah was born Nov. 16 so he's nearly a twin with your grandbaby. :) Congratulations, Grandma!!! Enjoy all those baby snuggles because we both know she'll be running around before you know it.
