
Thursday, February 22, 2018

just going HOME...


You, who have always loved HOME more than any other place on earth...

You, who created a home that was a warm and welcoming haven here on earth...

You, who knew how to bring comfort with an extra chair at your kitchen table and rich chocolate chip cookies to share...

You, who knew the value of home and belonging...

You, Dear Grandma, keeper of one of the dearest homes on earth to me...

You are drawing near to your Final and Forever Home.

You will soon be home with Jesus, the one who loves you completely and perfectly.

You will soon be completely whole again, more alive and vibrant than ever before.

Unshackled from the tyranny of human disease.

Completely free from fear.

Free from sorrow.

Free from pain.

I feel sorrow at the thought of your physical absence here on earth.

I will miss you deeply because you have loved me so well.

My heart will be left with a gaping hole that was meant for you.

But you are just going HOME and I will not stand in your way.

I love you too much to ask you to stay.

Grandma, the end of my journey is not as imminent as yours is right now.

I am not sure when I will get to join you,  but I am on my way HOME too.

See you soon,



  1. This is beautiful, Shaunda. I'm thinking of home going more since my dad's Alzheimer's diagnosis. Praying for you and your family.

  2. Beautiful Shaunda, There comes a time with all of us (unless our Jesus returns first) need to say "see you later" in Heaven to our loved ones who are going before. It is sad, but very assuring to know we will see those christian loved ones again.

  3. Tears here too ... Takes me back to my grandpa's death a few weeks ago. It's a sacred time, and has a way of sharpening our focus on what's really important. Blessings to you n your family. (I love the songs!)

  4. This is beautiful. My sympathies and prayers are with your family.
