
Thursday, August 27, 2015

hasty words

No kidding. Less than 60 seconds after I hit 'publish' on my former post, I heard that terrifying"glug-glug-glug" sound.  My 2 year old was trying to pour a gallon of milk into a 4 oz juice cup. Things got a little out of hand very quickly.

If I was the kind to cry easily, I would be crying my eyes out.

Instead, I'm laughing.

Thank God for a bucket of soapy water and a rag.

We live and we learn.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh. Thanks for your honesty. I could relate so much to your last post. I have seen so much growth in our family (and me) this summer.

    But if I open my mouth to say that, it all disintegrates. If it is not spilled milk, it is spilled words. Or biting. Or...

    And then I'm back to feeling like a failure again.

    So thanks for the reminder to look at the big picture. And laugh.
