
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Summer Activities

I think these are supposedly the dog days of summer.

You know, when you feel hot and lazy and the grass turns brownish and doesn't need to be mowed every other day.

When the novelty of summer vacation for the school kids has kind of worn off.

When mom isn't quite so super motivated about her own chore list or making yet another chore list for the kids.

Although some of the above statements are at least semi true about life around here, it sure doesn't feel like we've hit the lazy dog days of summer.

There is more life and activity and hard work happening around here than what I can keep straight.

After a day or so of dirty demolition work we see the addition to our house taking shape. Cheers!
*Framing credits go to RJL Construction. **All clean up effort credts go to the Stoltzfus family.

Little Lady is busy growing 

Lotsa pool play

A fun but very intense week of vbs

Super fun weekend with the Lehmans at a cabin in Ohio celebrating Dad & Mom's 40th anniversary.

{We also spent 2 different weekends with Amos' family, both of which I failed miserably to capture on camera.}

Ice cream socials with family, neighbors, friends

And what have I been doing in the midst of all this activity???

Well...just the normal - Cooking, Cleaning, Laundry, Refereeing (times 500,000,000)

And, oh yes, I am also in the full time business of baby growing this summer

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