
Thursday, March 19, 2015

winter boredom busters II

You may be wondering why I am still even thinking about winter boredom busters in March.

If you lived as near the North Pole as what I do, you would probably understand.

We really aren't guaranteed warm spring weather in these parts until the end of April or beginning of May. 

We do have occasional warm days and the daffodils begin to bloom and then we get more snow.

We pack away our winter coats just because we're so anxious for spring only to end up pulling them out again.

You may understand too, if you know what it is like to go from this

to this

 in about 12 hours.(How I ended up in Florida for 24 hours is another story for another day)


If you're of the race that knows Joseph, you'll understand why sometimes a woman must resort to these winter boredom busters.

1. Draw a tubful of water. Put your babies in the water. Give each of them a lollipop.  Grab your book and take a seat on the toilet (make sure the seat is DOWN since this will be a rather long sit). You may be surprised how long water and a dumdum will keep the kids entertained.  I have noticed that my mere presence in the bathroom usually keeps the tidal waves at a minimum. The minute I leave, the bathroom floor somehow becomes mysteriously flooded.

2. Brew a cup of coffee and chat with a good friend online. I am not advocate for online relationships unless there is a real life relationship in place which you are building upon. (Truly. You do not want to get me started on this) I have 2 very good friends that I chat with on a regular basis who bring lots of cheer and joy into my life. I have no intention to spread my web of online chatting much further without having a very good reason to do so.  Call me old and boring or whatever you wish. I am 33 years old after all and I can't be expected to stay up with all the latest communication trends. Especially not when I have issues with them.

3. If all else fails, go to Florida. Don't plan ahead too much or it surely won't happen. And don't cry too much if you only get to stay for one day. One day in the sun is better than none.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you know you can't throw out such mysterious tid bits without disclosing the full story? Soon!
