
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

the day I {almost} resigned from photography

I have been wanting to do a 1 year photo shoot with Miss Cassie Jo for several weeks now.

I was waiting for the magic moment because I know that one year old photo shoots can turn volatile with one small wrong move.

So. I was waiting for the perfect mood, perfect weather, perfect time of day, perfect outfit...

Yesterday afternoon I thought the moment had finally arrived.

With much fear and trembling, I got her dressed and got my equipment out.

We were all set.

Well. Mostly.

All except Cassie, who underneath her charming public face, was actually in one of her most impish moods ever. 

Our time was filled with Cassie:
-tearing her hat from her head and throwing it across the lawn. It was cute the first 21 times.
-eating flowers

-salivating over the flowers, which produced unusual amounts of drool which was very unbecoming on her feminine chin

-standing on the suitcase instead of sitting on it as a fine lady should do

- not only planting herself in the standing position, but also jumping off the suit case and landing on the ground in one big rumpled pile of grins and giggles
-looking away from the camera with a most mischievous grin and then turning towards the camera with the most innocent and sober look ever

So. We walked away from the photo shoot with some good memories and a few candid shots that captured the essence of Cassie.
Hey!!! Who threw that hat at me!!!??

What?? Me crack a grin for you??? Never!!! And don't even think of putting a bow in my hair. I'll yank it out pronto!

If I'm not careful my mom might actually be successful

First mistake of the day. I paused long enough for mom to catch a meditative moment.

Did someone say 'flower'...(drool pool)

Look at me now!!!!

This is so much fun, mom....we should play this game every day!!!

You didn't say I couldn't eat the stem I go!!!

Of course you should document me eating flower stems at 1 yr.

Here we go again.

Mommmmmmmmmyyyy....I'm a com'in to get you!!! thinks she is going to get me to sit still and look at her and smile all at the same time!!!! She's crazy!!!

oops. mistake 2. She got another charming shot.

I was going to resign.
But this is just too much fun.
And besides. I'm not a quitter.
And besides besides I'm not going to let someone else have the joy of capturing and documenting my baby girl's sweetness at one year old.


  1. I thought you were going to say that you needed to resign because you'd finally taken the ultimate shot... captured perfectly the person and the moment. :) You didn't say that--but you did do it!

    Your first and last pictures melt my heart.

  2. The candid shots are the best anyway! Like someone said recently, who's baby sleeps in a suitcase, basket, you-name-it, anyway?? :) She's sweet as can be and full of life! Lovely.

  3. I think I have the world's cutest cousin!!! I love these pictures!

  4. Reminds me of my 2yr. old :) I enjoy your blog!
