
Thursday, July 31, 2014

That moment...

...when your baby toddles away from you for the first time.

And you know. You just know. This is just the first little peepy step in letting her go....allowing her to become the lovely lady that Jesus has created her to be....allowing her to follow him to perhaps the furthest {and maybe most dangerous} parts of the earth. Trusting her into the hands of her heavenly Father.

My children are young and I am called to watch over them with diligence today. But slowly I know that I need to be releasing them into what feels like a cruel and dangerous world. I feel like I know nothing about this process and frankly-- it scares me to death.

I'm scared of the kind of mom I might be to my teenagers.....

will I be fearful and controlling???


Will I be able to trust the One who has created and called each one of them by name?


  1. This makes me cry! Such perfect and painful pictures...

  2. Shaunda. These pictures are so beautiful. I have confidence that you will do well parenting teenagers.I've told you that the way you engage with your children now reminds me of how my mom was when we were little. She does such a fabulous job of releasing us. In turn, we love her and trust her (let's just not mention what a bratty teenager I was the first few years).
