
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Summer Snack

This summer with all the kids being home all day long and with all their hyper active activities it seems that I am CONSTANTLY either shopping for or preparing or serving food.

The latest big hit around here has been "chocolate-drizzled-frozen-banana-chips". I just made up that name, but I think it's a good name because it perfectly describes all that there is to describe about this particular snack.

This snack is very simple to prepare and  also promises to satisfy a growling stomach for at least 20 minutes.

This is how we prepare our "Chocolate-drizzled-frozen-banana-chips"

-slice bananas
-arrange on flat serving dish
-drizzle with chocolate (we use store bought chocolate syrup)
-pop into the freezer for about 1 hr.
-pop out of the freezer

*if you allow the bananas to completely thaw they will become a mush pile. They are at their best about 5 minutes after you take them from the freezer.

"YES!!!!!!! Snack time!!!!!!!!"

Chocolate Drizzled Frozen Banana Chips = happy smiles

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!! I'll have to try that with/for the neighbor kiddos.
