
Monday, May 19, 2014

A mother's prayer on the first day of summer break

 Thank you for this day.
 This first day of summer break...
 Thank you that my children are excited about spending the summer here at home with me.
 I ask for grace to enter into their excitement.
 Give me grace to celebrate these moments that we have to spend together.
 Please grant me grace to rise above my own laziness and selfishness.
 Please help me to give myself fully to my family.
 I ask  you for divinely inspired creativity for teaching them how to engage in good old fashion work and fun.
 Set a guard over my mouth, dear Jesus. Keep watch over the gates of my lips.
 I need your help to speak words that will bless and build up; words that will heal and not bruise.
 May your kingdom come, Your will be done in each of our hearts as we work and play and grow in your grace and knowledge this summer.