
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

And then there were SEVEN!!!!

What? Wait. Did you say seven? Nah. No way. It can't be. But, it really, really is true and we couldn't be more delighted!


                                                                              Cassandra Jo
                                                                             August 7, 2013
                                                                                   8:12 am
                                                                                 7 lbs. 4 oz.

It all began last Tuesday night @ 11:30 pm.  By 8:12 am, Wednesday morning our arms were full of the preciousness of our beautiful little daughter. 20 minutes later, after a quick clean up, our bedroom was bursting with excitement and joy as the 4 older siblings and Grandma met Miss Cassandra. It was very special for the children to watch as Cassandra was being weighed, measured, washed and dressed. 

Sharing the joy of the first moments together!

Grandma gets to help!!! How special!

Cassandra's first spa experience...getting slathered with lotion from big brother!

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bonding with big sister

"Hey, Cassandra, the gang is here!!!" -Lynn Funte (midwife)
All cleaned up and dressed and ready to start living the good life.


It's 6 days later and we're still trying to soak up all the sweetness that belongs to this little lady.

We bless your name, O Lord......for you are so GOOD!!!!


  1. Wiping tears. She is so gorgeous, and so blessed to be surrounded by all that love.

  2. The world is right at the Stoltsfus home! I love this. Jolynn

  3. What a little love. She's absolutely beautiful and the pictures are perfect. I can't wait to meet her!

  4. This makes me ache happy...She is perfect. God is SO good.

  5. What a little sweetheart. I'm thrilled for you.

  6. Congratulations on your beautiful little girl!
