
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"In the meantime we'll be working with j-o-o-o-y..."

So. 2 more days until due date.

Who knows how many more days until deliverance!!??!

I am up to much randomness these days as I wait. I haven't really noticed a pattern to my work habits or my thought patterns except that they are both subject to change quite quickly for little or no apparent reason at all.

Last night I was laying in bed awake. I was having at least a partial pity party for myself. Lucky husband was sleeping deeply, snoring lightly. I was uncomfortable. Restless. Sweating for no good reason. My handstitched pillow cover caught my attention. Handstitched by my sweet Gramma Lehman. It used to be her tradition to give each of her many grandchildren a set of cross stitched pillow cases as a wedding present.

I'm not sure if she is even able to do cross stitch anymore. Anyway, my mind was turned toward her. A small framed woman, at least 2 inches shorter than me. She did this 13 times. I wondered how many restless nights she must've spent, aching all over. She probably worked much harder than what I do. She probably endured many trying circumstances. No air conditioner. Were any of her babies born in the middle of the hot summer? No running water. How many trips did she make to the out house in those last weeks (x13)!?!? I somehow never thought of my grandmother in these terms before. It would be fun to ask her about some of these important details.

A perk of nesting is that I begin to straighten out a few corners that have been needing attention for a long time. Well. This really isn't a corner. It was like an entire messy front porch and a displaced wooden shelf.

This shelf and I have some history. Although I am in love with the idea of this rustic shelf and have put too much of my time into restoring it, I'm not really all that cranked over the idea of this particular shelf on my current front porch. In my mind, it belongs on the front porch of an old cabin or restored old mansion surrounded by trees. Almost anywhere besides on the porch of a very vanilla white town house.

I have offered to give it to a few friends, all of which aren't ready for it yet. Either the house is still in blue print form or the wrap around porch needs to be reconstructed or she isn't quite sure it goes with her house or something like that. In the meantime I have the shelf sitting on my front porch, looking a bit displaced. I also have shoes strewn all over my front porch. And I want things to be attractive and orderly for this baby. I mean, cluttered surroundings surely could affect the behavior of a baby, I am sure!

*aha* idea pops into my head. What if I would lay this shelf down on it's side and use it as shoe storage. The shelves could be little cubby hole spaces. Heave-ho......

Hmmm. It's functional. And it was fun arranging a few decorations on the top. I thought I actually liked it better than what I do now that I've looked at the pictures and realized just how silly that one open end looks. Maybe I'll enclose it someday. Probably not though, just because I do not usually totally finish a project.

I love this wreath that my talented friend, Rosanne made for me. I think it goes well with the shelf on the floor right by the front door. I like the way the burlap kind of pulls the two things together. I also LOVE the burnt yellow color of the flowers!!! It's so fun to have handmade gifts from friends around my house....makes me smile with pleasure to be reminded often throughout the day of my lovely friends.

I have another project cooking with this fabric. These colors make me very happy. I'll post a picture later of this project. That is, if I ever get it done. And if I am happy with the finished project.

And now I'm off to make the sewing machine hum....

I am deeply disturbed by the fact that I cannot get spell check to work and that blogger is just being a real pain the 'you know what' right now. #100%uncooperative


  1. I think Grandma had an indoor bathroom for a lot of them but if she didn't, she probably had a chamber pot.LOL! And she had a wringer washer and no dryer..I remember her using the wringer washer so Noami would have been close to what 10? before she got an electric washer.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. -I especially love the first photo.

    -I love embroidered pillowcases.

    -I can't. wait. to see your sewing project!!

    -I like the unique shoe cubby.

    -What's up with the hashtag?

    -End of random comments.

  4. Ooh!! Love the shelf-turned-shoe-storage!!!
