
Friday, June 28, 2013

Some Days...

...just aren't worth repeating. They are worth remembering though.

There are days that I wish I could preserve in a bubble and replay about 6 times a week. Other days. well. Yesterday was one of those "Other days".

 I preserved some of it through photos. Somehow taking pictures of hairy events helps me to lighten up and it also creates memories out of the most chaotic moments. The memories generally turn hilarious within a few hours. However, there are some photos that still -4 years later - create volatile emotions within me.

So. Yesterday. I took all the kids shopping with me. Yesterday day we had flash flood warnings all day long in our town. Yesterday I made 3 different stops on our shopping jaunt. The rain was coming in torrents each time we made the trek from van to store and store to van. I felt like a wet pregnant rat with 4 cute little rats following me around.

I bought crocs for 4 of them and  teeny diapers and wipes and pacifers for Ittsy. Thankfully,  we only had to take one potty break. We're still alive and none of us had to put any quarters in the cup, so....all things considered it was a successful trip.

Then the sun actually shone for a few precious minutes in the afternoon. The children were all outside playing happily. I was typing my post about the plan for reforming our mouths. It was good to hear the children squealing happily through the open window.

I should have checked on them. I didn't. I assumed that the happy squeals meant all was well. This is what I found about a half hour later.

A flooded garden and 4 Strays engaged in a water/mud battle.

"But Mom.....we're just trying to get all this extra water out of the garden for you!!!!"

So. Instead of packing up some books.....the kids got hosed down, stipped, showered, dressed and banned from the outdoors for the rest of the day.

Just as I was finishing the post supper clean up and getting ready to head out the door to work at the "other house", I dropped an entired container of applesauce. SPLAT! All over the kitchen floor and stove. Smooth move. And I couldn't even blame it on anyone but myself. A vulgar word slipped from my mouth. And then I laughed, hoping to cover it up. But, my police are sharp little whipper snappers. Another quarter in the cup.

While bump swiped a freshly painted wall. At least it was a pretty yellow color.

Some times it seems the only safe thing to do is to get into bed. I wish I would've thought of that before right now.  I'll tuck that idea in my head for the next time.


  1. I'm so glad you're real.
    Love to you this weekend!

  2. The part about the applesauce is the worst. Makes me want to cry. I wish I had known and could have dropped whatever it was I was doing at the time to come rushing to your house to clean it up.

    Your children are hilarious. Angeline does well with holding her own in the mud.
