
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tremendous Two's

Two year olds are so much fun, save for the potty training part.

Recent dialogues with Christopher

Me: "Christopher, aren't you going to eat your shoe fly cake?"

Chris: "Me no like shoe fly cake. 'Dere's flies in it."

Me: "Ohhhh. Look's snowing cats and dogs!"

Chris {running to the window}: "Me no see cats and dogs out there!!!"

Me: Christopher, do you know that Jesus loves you?

Chris: "yeah, me know dat. {pause} Where Jesus at?"

Me: "Jesus lives waaaay up in heaven"

Chris: "Jesus die??"

Me: " Yes! Jesus died, but He's alive now and is living in heaven. When you die, Chris, you can live with Jesus in heaven too!"

Chris: "Oh....dat be fun!!!!"

Christopher {first child awake on a Saturday morning}: " Me go wake up my kids, Mom??!"
Me: "No thanks, I actually prefer my kids stay sleeping for a long time this morning!"

Yes, really and truly, he refers to his siblings as "My kids".



  1. Two-year-olds are at such a fun stage of development. They're so impressionable and huggable and... whoa, finding out that they have a will! Not so much fun! But yes, precious. Enjoy yours.

  2. Awww! I love the video. And the dialogues. He is so cute.

  3. Sweet! My 3 yr old daughter calls her brothers "my boys."
    Sarah S.
