
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Favorite Moments in 2012 (part I)

Marvelling at the beauty of the setting sun as it dances on the water with my daughter Angeline.

Two of my very most favorite people enjoying a quiet moment together at Lake Erie

Welcoming a new nephew into the world. Witnessing his big sister's first moments with him.

You're loved, Baby Brayden!!!

Trip to New York City with the Youth Group

Walking Brooklyn Bridge with my husband

OK. This one was staged. But I still love it because this lady is a dear friend of mine and this photo represents my heart for urban ministry.

My very adorable, tender-hearted nephew, Ian, kissing his kitten

to be continued....


  1. I love your header. You are an amazing photographer. Come take some pictures of Baltimore for me??

  2. Oh, yes. This is good. This is really, really good. Mmm-hmm. Oh yeah.

    I'm a fan. And a subscriber.

    And you are a stunning photographer. I like how you're combining pleasure and business on this new blog.
