
Friday, June 26, 2020

Memos from a lady in the thick of it

Things I am learning these days:

1. How to hold intelligent conversations with Sherwin Williams employees.

2. How not to let the above mentioned person(s) intimidate me with their professional advice when I KNOW which specific product I need for my particular project.

3. How to trust my 14 year old son as I navigate tight spots with the Suburban and trailer

4. How navigate the drive and the purchase of used furniture from a neighboring city without my husband. Yes, the kids all went with me. They were a tremendous help. I couldn't have done it without them. No, they did not ride on the furniture on the way home.

*are you catching a theme yet?? Big vehicles. Tight spots. Smart teenagers...

5. How to survive more dirt and exhaustion than I previously thought possible. 

6. How to scrape practically ANY product off the surface of any wall. Please don't ask me for advice yet on this. I'll probably need some therapy before I'm ready to talk about it.

7. My kids are an AMAZING work crew. We have all the normal behavioral issues and attitudes (plus some) of a family of 7 kids, but at the end of the day, it must be said that these guys have done at least 70% of the renovation and moving work in the last 8 weeks. I am immeasurably proud of them.

8. My husband has more stamina than I do.  He's being both an early bird and night owl these days. I am basically an exhausted pigeon. I am immeasurably proud of him too.

9. I am not quite as chill about change as what I like to think I am. I am very sad about leaving our neighborhood of 15 years. I will always be grateful for this place and these people who have significantly shaped me.  I will remember with fondness our years on Pine Street. I'm trying not to cry right now.

10. It is possible to feel a lot of excitement and sadness at the same time. I am  truly excited about the opportunities and open doors that our new home/property will bring to our family. In spite of the previous point, I do believe this is the right move for our family right now. I am happy to embrace it.

*yeah, I know. I am the most sporadic blogger in the world.   However, recently my children discovered my dusty blog. They had such a great time reminiscing and laughing together about the good and bad times.

 "Mom, you should keep writing about our current adventures!!"

So. I am going to try...for them as much as anybody. I have been failing miserably at keeping current photo albums or journals. Maybe this will be my future gift to them.

You're welcome to follow along if you like.