
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Meet the Erratic Hillbillies

This past Friday we went camping.

It was a modified repeat of a similar trip we took 3 years ago.

The two modifications being:

-the addition of a 7th small person whom we all adore

-the absence of the one voice of sensibility since my oldest daughter was gone for the morning when  the plan was hatched.

Something bizarre doesn't seem quite as bizarre when you do a re-run.

None the less we had a high time pulling all the details together in record breaking time.

By 2:30 pm we had all our supplies packed up and we were on the road.

By the time Amos arrived at the site we had camp all set up and a fire going.

Several people were lounging in their new hammocks.

Several people were digging in the dirt.

At least one small person was eating dirt.

Several people were congratulating themselves on the various successes of the day.

We all felt quite fortunate that we were able to reserve our favorite camping site at the local campground on the Friday morning of Memorial Day weekend.

We really like this spot because of its seclusive nature.

We had fun watching the campers begin to roll in for the weekend from our little nook in the woods.

We were reminded that we don't fit into the stereotypical American camping scene all that well.

We were glad to be tucked back into a site surrounded by trees and glad that our vehicle mostly blocked any passerby from even seeing our camp.

I am happy with how comfortable we are with our family's personal camping style.

It's pretty primitive and just a little rough around the edges.

It sure doesn't fit the cute camping pictures that you see on pinterest.

No hot rod truck. (at least I don't think a Suburban falls in that category😊)

No sleek camper or massive grill.

No charming string of lights or other trendy camping equipment.

Fine cuisine is none existent.

Instead you will find:

- tarps, ropes, knives, hatchets, machetes and marshmallows floating around our campsite.

-loads of wet wipes and paper towels

-a stack of books for just in case there are a few quiet moments.

-a Pat McManus story to be read aloud after dark.

-barefoot kids and one wearing a straw hat

 -sticky and dirty little ones on the prowl.

-a family of nine making memories together

I decided a fitting description for our camping style would be The Erratic Hillbillies.

We may not be the stereotypical American campers and we may not be pinterest worthy, but I don't think it's for lack of style.😂

* these last two photos are simply thrown in because I think my family -and especially my baby who just hit the 6 month mile marker- deserve a better representation than the cell phone pictures that were taken during our camping trip.