
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

another small blast

I really like the word blast.

I try to use it as often as possible.

It fits my life to the T.

Either I'm having a real BLAST* or else I am really having a BLAST.** 

I have a hard time defining what exactly I am doing with my time and energy these days.

I feel like I have been functioning in these funky-little-unpredictable-blasts.

In work.

In play.

In relationships.

In thinking.

In processing.

In photography.

I've basically become dysfunctional in this particular space.

I have discussions and even some heated arguments with myself about what I should or could do with this space in the future.

This photo depicts my personal life.

Full and rich and beautiful. Sometimes overwhelmingly so.

A little unbalanced. More so some days than others.

There are so many things I love to do.

Many things I want to do.

Many, many, many dreams on the back burner right now.

Don't look at my pinterest boards or you may become overwhelmed for me.

So many choices everyday.

Yet many nonnegotiable tasks and responsibilities.

Probably one of my biggest fears is that I will reach the end of my life and realize that I floated along too much, blasting energy here and there and everywhere but didn't focus enough on the most important tasks I have been given to do.

The end.

a party or riotously good time

**at or with full volume or speed