
Thursday, October 24, 2013

October Snow

Outside the window

Inside- all comfy cozy are we......
Cassie's first snow. We're going to teach her to love snowy mornings.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Autumn's Glow

I love shooting photos in the fall because...well....fall is my favorite season. I *love* the hues of fall and the golden rays that bring a rich glow to the world.  The autumn sunshine somehow manages to bring out the golden tones in even the palest skin.

 Cassandra Jo---2 months old

My adorable neighbor girl. She has the most captivating blues ever, although I didn't do the greatest job at capturing them.  This was one of those very impromptu shoots....Shaunda is out with her camera and the next door neighbor is out walking the baby and suddenly we're taking pictures of the babies. Fun.
She had a little issue with putting leaves in her mouth. :)

My lovely, lovely daughters

Cassie doing what she often does for her big sister. Angeline can't wait for her baby sister to get old enough to appreciate her big sister a little more deeply. :)

And sometimes it is just plain down fun to break every photography rule in the book. :)
Same beautiful floral couch, 5th darling baby posing on it in her boy shirt. (you know they say the 5th kid is lucky if she even gets clothes put on her in the morning!:) )

Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend pleasures

                 "Know what I like best about weekends, Mom??? You let me stay up late to read!!!"
                    *I will refrain from making any comments on the quality of their reading material. But, if you feel that you must read comics, well....then at least make it Calvin and Hobbes.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Babies are just good at That

You thought I was going to mention crying, didn't you??!  Well. For once I have something else in mind.

It happened again. For the 5th time in 10 years. Not only has my entire life and schedule been totally turned upside down and inside out,  my heart has been altered too. Rearranged. Never to be the same again. All because of  lil Miss Cassie Jo. Babies are just stink'in good at doing that.

Baby Dearest- you know how to:

-turn a harsh voice into a sweet, soft whisper

-turn hopeless cynicism into hopeful wonder

-make rough hands use the most gentle, tender touches

-turn scowls that have dug deep furrows in an old man's face back into a smile

-slow down even the most task oriented people in the world so that they too begin to enjoy the smallest everyday pleasures

-rearrange priorities that have slowly been misplaced throughout the passing years

-bring joy to the world even in the midst of deep sorrow

-turn the hardest of hearts all soft and squishy again.
Cassie Jo,
I'm thankful that Jesus is using you in such a gentle way 
to grow me into His fullness.
The world is a better place because of you!!!